Dr. Renato Sousa Lima received his PhD from the University of São Paulo (2013) in chemistry with focus on electrochemical bio/sensors, microfabrication, and microfluidics. He is currently researcher at the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials and visiting professor at the University of Campinas, University of São Paulo, and Federal University of ABC. The core problem that drives his research group is the achievement of accurate analyses in our daily lives, whether in laboratories, hospitals, or field, in the areas of environment and clinical diagnosis. To address this problem, the group mission is to develop electrical/electrochemical bio/sensing drop-based and wearable devices toward (1) point-of-need and (2) in-situ monitoring. Ideally, the devices must be scalable, reproducible, user-friendly, fast, and sensitive. Specifically, our efforts have been devoted for creating solutions in devices and nanointerfaces and understanding phenomena at nanoscale, with principles of electrochemistry, nanomaterials, nano/microfabrication, machine learning, and microfluidics being essential.